Pecan Caramel Cake

1 9 by 5 by 3 inch Buttermilk Pound Cake

1 recipe Chocolate Buttercream

1 cup whiskey caramel sauce

1 cup toasted pecans, chopped

To assemble cut the pound cake into two layers with a serrated knife. Turn the top piece upside down on a cake plate.

Pour ⅓ cup of caramel sauce over the layer then sprinkle with ½ of the pecans. If desired add a thin layer of chocolate buttercream. Pour ⅓ cup of caramel sauce over the pecans or buttercream.

Place the remaining layer on top with the bottom of the cake turned up. Use a fork or a toothpick to make tiny holes so the caramel is absorbed. Pour the rest of the caramel on top of this layer.

Frost the top and sides with the buttercream. I don’t frost the ends. Sprinkle the remaining pecans on top of the cake and gently press them into the frosting