Yeast Rolls

Adapted from this recipe for yeast rolls by Nancy Leson in the October 2020 issue of Costco Connection.

1 cup water at room temperature

1 ½ teaspoons olive oil

2 ⅔  cups (11.3 ounces) bread flour

1 ½ teaspoons sugar

1 teaspoon salt

1 ½ teaspoons yeast


2 tablespoons melted butter

Sea salt

Add the water, oil, flour, sugar, salt and yeast to your bread machine pan in order listed. Select the dough cycle on your bread machine.

Once the dough has been mixed and risen in the bread machine separate the dough into 8 portions and shape each portion into a ball. Place the dough balls on a parchment lined half sheet pan. Spray the tops with a little olive oil so that the plastic wrap doesn’t stick. Cover with plastic wrap and then a clean dry cloth. Let rise until puffy, about an hour.

Use scissors to make a small cut in the top of each roll.  Brush the tops with melted butter and sprinkle with a pinch of salt.  Bake in a  preheated 425° oven until golden brown for about 12 minutes.  Remove from the pan and place on a rack to cool.  Serve warm or a room temperature.